Daniel Gray

     I’m a Game Designer, born and raised in Southern California but now living in Osaka, Japan. I’ve been in the Game Industry since 2008, getting my start in QA at companies like Konami and Activision, and making my jump into Design by working at companies like Crystal Dynamics and Ubisoft.

     One pillar I have when making a design, whether through scripting, level layout, or pitching is making sure there is a strong emotion tied to the design. It could be a sense of empowerment by finding a strong weapon, a nervous feeling from limited resources, or using the game knowledge to overcome a challenge, an emotion should be the cornerstone behind any design.

Industry Experience

  • Project : XDefiant

    Title : Senior Game Designer

         Working on the XDefiant project felt like taking lessons and experiences from previous games and refining them and honing those skill sets. Taking the level creation lessons from Rainbow Six : Extraction and working collaboratively to get feedback from other designers, I was able to ship the map Mayday. I eventually transitioned back to scripting as a Game Designer and wound up not only owning all of our Arena modes (Occupy, Domination, ect.) but also creating CTF from scratch. Near the end of the project, I was taking our suite of Game Mode content and adding tweaks to create new experience for the players (ie. Quad Shot, a shotgun-only variant of Team Deathmatch).

    Gameplay videos : Mayday - Level Design, CTF - Scripting

  • Project : Rainbow Six : Extraction

    Title : Level Designer

         A small group of people from the San Francisco studio were tasked with recreating the Hospital level from Rainbow Six : Siege’s Halloween event called Outbreak. During this project, we were met with the Montreal studio and established a strong co-dev relationship to create content for the Extraction project across countries. The time on the project taught me how to take existing content and with some slight changes, craft a whole new experience for the fanbase.

    Gameplay videos : Sierra County Hospital - Level Design + Enemy AI Scripting

  • Project : South Park : The Fractured But Whole

    Title : Level Designer

         Transitioning back to console game dev, I had the opportunity to work at the San Francisco Ubisoft office as a Level Designer on the second South Park RPG. I was tasked mainly with mission / quest structure and worked collaboratively with the combat Designers so moments between exploration and battles flowed seamlessly. Two of my proudest moments on that project were working on the intricate gender selection moment with Mr. Mackey and finding a creative solution for the multiple different results. My other shining moment was being the principal Designer for the Bring the Crunch DLC where I set up the content’s horror-themed levels from the very first commit to our depot to it going live.

    Gameplay videos : Medicinal Fried Fiaco - Scripting, Police Station mission - Scripting, Bring the Crunch DLC- Scripting

  • Project : MyVEGAS

    Title : Designer & Technical Artist

         Thanks to years of using Unity, I was able to join PlayStudios as a Tech Artists and become a founding member of their 3D division as the studio took its stepsinto animated 3D models. While there, problem solving was my motto, which led me to wear many hats. From creating VFX for our storefronts, to performance optimization for new releases, and automation to speed up the in-engine integration for 2D artists working in non-Unity programs.

    Gameplay videos : MyVEGAS Demo Reel

  • Project : Tomb Raider

    Title : Associate Level Designer

         Crystal Dynamics is where I was able to take my schooling and apply it to my first gig in the game industry as an Associate Level Designer. During my time on the project, I was responsible for NPC interactions and getting them to sync up properly between cinematics. I also handled interaction moments between the survivors of Lara’s expedition and  making sure they lined up between the different day and night cycles of the game.

    Gameplay videos : Precombat & NPC Interactions

  •      I was enrolled in the Game & Art Design program The Art Institute of California : Orange County back in 2007. I was fortunate enough to have industry veterans from local companies like Blizzard, Rockstar, Obsidian, and High Moon teaching me the ins and out of all aspects of Game Design to graduate and achieve my Bachelor’s of Science in 2010.

    While I was in college, I also worked at Konami as a MG Group Tester on titles like Silent Hill : Shattered Memories and Rocket Knight. I eventually worked at Activision’s Los Angeles office as a QA Tester for projects like Tony Hawk Shred and Call of Duty : Black Ops.